This Progress Report provides an overview of SASRI’s achievements throughout a challenging 2019/20 season. The Chairman and Director reports provide insights to the many challenges that SASRI has been faced with and highlights some of the remarkable outcomes that have been delivered despite the financial constraints imposed on the Institute.
The Research Report summarises key project outcomes and celebrates the outstanding competence resting within our knowledgeable research base.
I Insight is also provided on the many activities performed by our “front-line” staff in Extension and the Biosecurity Inspectorate. Most notable is the continuous relationship between SASRI and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in supporting and delivering an extension service to the over 21 000 small-scale sugarcane growers.
The Advisory and Support Services Report outlines the many essential services that SASRI offers both internally and externally (the latter used to offset some operational expenses).
Useful information on the various products used to disseminate research outcomes and recommendations is contained in the Technology Development and Knowledge Exchange sections of the report. Readers are encouraged to visit the SASRI website where all publications, decision-support-tools and important services and contacts are hosted.
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