Director’s Message

Dr Shadrack Moephuli (Director)

Published: 19th July 2024

In this issue of The Link, we discuss sustainable sugarcane production through several articles. We also show how SUSFARMS® (Sustainable Sugarcane Farm Management System) encourages sustainable, responsible and economically viable sugarcane production through better management practices.

Sustainable sugarcane production extends beyond sugarcane agronomy: it is important to ensure that the rights of local communities and employees are upheld and promoted in all sugarcane production areas. In concert, we need to conserve natural resources; including through ecosystem services to facilitate sustainable use of agricultural resources. We have included an article on how farmers could adopt better management practices to fulfil requirements for certification on sustainable agriculture.

Biodiversity is essential for sustainable sugarcane production as it contributes to the implementation of SUSFARMS®. Accordingly, we discuss issues caused by sugarcane monoculture, such as soil depletion and pest infestation. Suggestions are provided for integrated pest management through effective use of beneficial insects and other organisms; this in turn could lead to sustainable and profitable enterprises.

A key aspect of sustainable sugarcane production is the optimal choice of varieties for specific growing areas.  Genetic traits of different varieties make them unique or suitable for specific growing conditions such as soil type, harvest age, yield potential, seasonality, pest and disease resistance, to mention a few. Selection of the most appropriate variety could lead to profitable and sustainable production.

Farm profitability also requires the use of appropriate tools, and where necessary, technology for on-farm assessments of sugarcane quality, ripening and harvesting. In this issue, we discuss the use of various tools such as refractometers, PurEst® and on-farm and mill yard Brix measurements. Better use of these tools and information could improve grower understanding of RV% values with insights towards greater profitability.

It is our considered hope that this issue of the Link will provide insights for sustainable sugarcane production with improved profitability. At SASRI we aim to continuously improve our offerings for better management practices.


Articles in this Edition