You cannot manage what you have not measured!
In order to cost-effectively manage your farm, regular sampling of soil, leaf, water sources and salinity status are recommended. These measurements ensure soil health is maintained and adequate nutrients are applied. The Fertiliser Agricultural Laboratory offers this analysis service for a diverse range of crops at a competitive rate.
Once samples have been submitted for analysis, FAS provides the grower/client with a comprehensive report that details the farm’s status and areas where thresholds have not been met. For sugarcane growers, additional recommendations are provided to assist in achieving high quality cane while still ensuring environmental sustainability. It is vital that the grower/client understands every detail in these reports as there is value in each test that FAS runs on samples. As a result, FAS has created the following user guides to assist with understanding each of the packages that are on offer.
Understanding FAS Soil Reports
Understanding FAS Salinity & Sodicity Reports
Understanding FAS Leaf Reports
Understanding FAS Water Reports
These booklets explain all elements of the analysis reports per section and includes information on supplementary analyses. Should you require any further information, please contact the FAS Agricultural Laboratory (031 508 7474 | fas@sugar.org.za), your local Extension Specialist or an Agricultural Advisor.