RD&E Communiqués 2024

Earlier this year, SASRI hosted five regional Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) workshops. The purpose of these workshops was to engage with both small- and large-scale growers, including miller-cum-planters, on their technical needs and priorities, around which the SASRI Programme of Work will be structured. Following the workshops, the topics raised by growers were discussed by SASRI specialists to identify how these needs could be addressed.

In instances where knowledge gaps were identified, new projects have been proposed for 2025/2026. Where knowledge exists on the topics raised by growers, SASRI will develop plans to share this information through grower days, newsletters, and articles in The Link, Ingede or other publications.

Details outlining SASRI’s responses, and any activities planned by SASRI in relation to the topics raised by growers, have been compiled into an RD&E Communiqués document which is now available via our website.

Download RD&E Communiqués 2024.