In this edition of The Link…
SASRI scientists Drs Stuart Rutherford, Malcolm Keeping and Iona Basdew offer recommendations for the detection and management of yellow sugarcane aphid (Sipha flava).
Senior Plant Pathologist, Sharon McFarlane, as well as Extension and Biorisk Manager, Rowan Stranack, share SASRI’s emergency response plan to orange rust, as this disease has been positively identified on cane in South Africa.
This edition is also packed with valuable information on SASRI’s small-scale grower drone ripening project which was spearheaded by Dr Riekert van Heerden, as well as improvement of varieties articles by Dr Shailesh Joshi (Plant Breeder) and Thobile Nxumalo (Variety Evaluation Scientist).
This edition ends with a brief summary of recent weather events by SASRI’s Agrometeorologist, Phillemon Sithole.
Download The Link May 2022
This edition ends with a brief summary of recent weather events by SASRI’s Agrometeorologist, Phillemon Sithole.