
SASRI Mechanisation Reports 2020
The 2020 edition of SASRI Mechanisation Reports 1 & 2 are now available. Report 1 has information and examples that will help in estimating the...

Pest & Disease Guide Updated
We have just published a 2020 update of our Pest & Disease pocket guide. The guide contains a collection of pictures and identifiable traits...

PurEst Update
A new version of PurEst was release in February 2020. This update refines the spray date guide so that there are no inconsistencies between the...

Reducing salinisation of irrigated land
Over the past few days, SASRI scientists and Extension Specialists embarked on a roadshow to share management guidelines to reduce salinisation of...

The Link & Ingede: January editions available
In this edition of The Link, we feature growers Conrad and Henning Klipp, who ensure long-term environmental sustainability by implementing...

Latest SASRI Annual Progress Report now available
We have just published our 2018-19 Progress Report. The report contains a summary of our research and service highlights for the last financial...

Ripener Timing Guide
A new poster guide has just been published to assist sugarcane growers with deciding on appropriate times of the year for applying chemical...

InfoPack Disc
The InfoPack disc that was previously published by SASRI on an annual basis has been discontinued. You will now be able to find all InfoPack content...

This season, flowering has been particularly profuse, especially in varieties prone to flowering e.g. N23, N27, N42. Heavily flowered cane should...

Pests and Diseases
In eldana-prone areas, ensure that you have planned your IRAC-compliant insecticide spray programme on carry-over cane. You must regularly scout...

Going Bats About Eldana!
Over the last two or three seasons, the topic of eldana control in the Midlands has been largely dominated by chemical control. Whilst this is an...

SUSFARMS Version 4 now available!
The sugar industry’s Sustainable Sugarcane Farm Management System, SUSFARMS®, is a management system that has evolved into a useful tool for...